I've lived with chronic illness as long as I can remember. As life goes on, the list of conditions just gets longer. I've worked with NICE on the guideline and quality standard regarding adults with multiple long-term health conditions, known technically as “multimorbidity”, and had an article on patient experience of managing medications for multiple long-term conditions published in a topic special issue of the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy as well as being invited to speak or contribute at a range of conferences, training events and research projects.
I can give a general overview and personal perspective, based on my own experience, on quite a range of medical conditions, including narcolepsy, hard-to-manage eczema, bipolar disorder (including depression and hypomania), mobility impairments, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and migraine. My experience as an activist and working with other expert patients also gives me a good insight into the impact of a very wide range of conditions on every day life. My knowledge and experience of healthcare systems and situations also equips me to help people understand patient experiences of healthcare. I also have an extensive network of contacts from my activism that I can leverage to benefit from their own experiences in any work I might do.